What is Collectively Bargained Workers' Compensation?
Collectively Bargained Workers' Compensation (CBWC) is a replacement for the conventional system of workers' compensation benefit delivery and dispute resolution brought about by a union and its signatory contractors through the collective bargaining process.
Through the use of a unique Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process, Exclusive Medical Provider Networks, and other cooperative labor/management components, these programs expedite the process of administering and settling workers' compensation claims.
What are the Benefits?
We believe there are significant expense reductions in your overall workers' compensation program by participation in the Operating Engineers Group Insurance Program.
Who Can Join?
Signatory Contractors of the Operating Engineers Local Union #12, Operative Plasters and Cement Masons Local Union 500 & 600
Employer Associations
Union contractors who are members of the following employer associations
CA License #OK 21323
Chris R. Reinhardt, CIC
P.O. Box U
Moreno Valley, CA 92556
(800) 864-6623
Outside CA Call: (909) 234-7290
Fax: (909) 494-4164
[email protected]
Barbara Shogren Lies
Shogren Services, LLC
7177 Brockton Ave., Suite 101
Riverside, CA 92506
(800) 905-7595
Fax: (951) 788-0320
[email protected]